While that’s all well and good, what does it actually mean in the practical terms of picking your starting roster? Let’s take a look! QTYĪnimal Savagery, Frenzy, Loner (4+), Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail It’s not all price rises, as the reroll price has dropped, which goes part way to compensate. Some are even suggesting that the Skaven Thrower is the best one in the game and they are certainly worthy of that accolade. So whilst Gutter Runners have been made worse as passing, the Throwers can throw it even better than they did before. The reason behind that is that the new passing rules and the introduction of the passing start have made dedicated Throwers a lot better at throwing that just a random high agility player, such as Gutter Runners for example. You could also be thinking why on earth would they raise the price on the Throwers when some Skaven coaches never took any in the first place? Some of you might think that makes sense on the Gutter Runners as they are one of the best players in the game. Under the Blood Bowl Second Season rules Skaven teams have been hit with some price increases on both the Gutter Runners and the Thrower.